Pristine Elegance Bouquet


Bring some style into your home or office with this linear arrangement featuring towering gladiolas and graceful dendrobium orchids to draw your eyes up, blue thistle to add some prickly texture, and large hydrangeas and lilies to anchor the design.

  • This arrangement is approximately 30″H x 18″W
Product # KF1803

From: $94.99

Make it even more special:

  • Tall-Crystal-Vase-Upgrade
    Premium Crystal Tall Vase Upgrade
  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


Bring some style into your home or office with this linear arrangement featuring towering gladiolas and graceful dendrobium orchids to draw your eyes up, blue thistle to add some prickly texture, and large hydrangeas and lilies to anchor the design.

  • This arrangement is approximately 30″H x 18″W
Product # KF1803