Pastel Passion Bouquet
The Pastel Passion Bouquet is a harmonious blend of romantic hues, standing tall in a beautiful light pink vase. This visual masterpiece features hydrangeas, premium roses, tulips, and freesias in delightful shades of pinks, purples, and whites—a perfect expression of love. Meticulously curated, each element evokes romance and beauty, making the Pastel Passion Bouquet more than a floral arrangement.
- Size: This flower arrangement is approximately 21″ H x 20″ W
Make it even more special:
The Pastel Passion Bouquet is a harmonious blend of romantic hues, standing tall in a beautiful light pink vase. This visual masterpiece features hydrangeas, premium roses, tulips, and freesias in delightful shades of pinks, purples, and whites—a perfect expression of love. Meticulously curated, each element evokes romance and beauty, making the Pastel Passion Bouquet more than a floral arrangement.
- Size: This flower arrangement is approximately 21″ H x 20″ W