Harmony in Bloom Bouquet


The enchanting Harmony in Bloom Bouquet arrangement is thoughtfully curated in an upgraded pink glass vase. Delight in the lush beauty of hydrangeas, the timeless allure of premium roses, the fragrant charm of stock, and the graceful elegance of tulips—all in a captivating palette of pinks, purples, and reds.

  • Size: This flower arrangement is approximately 12″ H x 17″ W
Product # KF2405


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


The enchanting Harmony in Bloom Bouquet arrangement is thoughtfully curated in an upgraded pink glass vase. Delight in the lush beauty of hydrangeas, the timeless allure of premium roses, the fragrant charm of stock, and the graceful elegance of tulips—all in a captivating palette of pinks, purples, and reds.

  • Size: This flower arrangement is approximately 12″ H x 17″ W
Product # KF2405