Grand Elegance Bouquet
The Grand Elegance Bouquet is a pinnacle of luxury, featuring opulent blooms meticulously arranged to perfection in an Italian crystal vase. Each flower is hand-selected for its beauty and quality, ensuring a truly lavish and unforgettable gift. Celebrate in style with this magnificent bouquet that embodies the epitome of luxury floral arrangements, perfect for making a grand impression on your loved ones.
- This flower arrangement is approximately 22″H x 22″W
Make it even more special:
The Grand Elegance Bouquet is a pinnacle of luxury, featuring opulent blooms meticulously arranged to perfection in an Italian crystal vase. Each flower is hand-selected for its beauty and quality, ensuring a truly lavish and unforgettable gift. Celebrate in style with this magnificent bouquet that embodies the epitome of luxury floral arrangements, perfect for making a grand impression on your loved ones.
- This flower arrangement is approximately 22″H x 22″W