Yorktown Spirit Bouquet


Let’s hear it for the Yorktown Patriots! Enjoy a bundle of premium flowers in Yorktown colors and start your Britto collection with this whimsically decorated “Y” figurine. A perfect gift for a Yorktown graduate, teacher or administrative professional!

The Letter Y Table Topper is designed by world famous contemporary pop artist Romero Britto.  Romero Britto is one of the premier artists of our times, who has created contemporary masterpieces with his vibrant colors, and bold patterns.

  • This floral arrangement is approximately 12″H x 10″W
  • Y Dimensions: 6″ H
  • Y Material: Polyresin
Product # KF2237


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


Let’s hear it for the Yorktown Patriots! Enjoy a bundle of premium flowers in Yorktown colors and start your Britto collection with this whimsically decorated “Y” figurine. A perfect gift for a Yorktown graduate, teacher or administrative professional!

The Letter Y Table Topper is designed by world famous contemporary pop artist Romero Britto.  Romero Britto is one of the premier artists of our times, who has created contemporary masterpieces with his vibrant colors, and bold patterns.

  • This floral arrangement is approximately 12″H x 10″W
  • Y Dimensions: 6″ H
  • Y Material: Polyresin
Product # KF2237