Summit Serenity Bouquet
Our designers tried to capture the serenity of a mountain top with patches of snow against a blue sky. The Summit Serenity Bouquet is a bubble bowl filled with blues of iris, hydrangea and thistle, along with white roses and white tulips.
Note: Tulips are only in season from December 15 to May 1. All other times they will be substituted with flowers of equal or better value.
- This arrangement is approximately 13″H x 11″W
From: $74.99
Our designers tried to capture the serenity of a mountain top with patches of snow against a blue sky. The Summit Serenity Bouquet is a bubble bowl filled with blues of iris, hydrangea and thistle, along with white roses and white tulips.
Note: Tulips are only in season from December 15 to May 1. All other times they will be substituted with flowers of equal or better value.
- This arrangement is approximately 13″H x 11″W