Classic Dish Garden


A stunning variety of fresh green plants are used to create our classic dish garden inside a stunning ceramic container. Echoing a time-honored tradition that began centuries ago in Asia this rich garden of greenery is an exquisite gift that adds unique style to any home or office decor. Our designers select only the finest quality plants so components may vary.

The main photo shows all three to help show proportion to each other. The alternate photos show a close up of each size.

  • The Standard Classic Dish Garden is approximately 8″ W x 8″ L x 15″ H
  • The Deluxe Classic Dish Garden is approximately 10″ W x 10″ L x 17″ H
  • The Premium Classic Dish Garden is approximately 12″ W x 12″ L x 22″ H
  • Each size sold separately
Product # DG

From: $64.99

Make it even more special:

  • Cut Fresh Flowers for Dish Gardens
    Enhance a Dish Garden with Cut Fresh Flowers
  • Wooden Plant Riser
    Add a Wooden Plant Stand
  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


A stunning variety of fresh green plants are used to create our classic dish garden inside a stunning ceramic container. Echoing a time-honored tradition that began centuries ago in Asia this rich garden of greenery is an exquisite gift that adds unique style to any home or office decor. Our designers select only the finest quality plants so components may vary.

The main photo shows all three to help show proportion to each other. The alternate photos show a close up of each size.

  • The Standard Classic Dish Garden is approximately 8″ W x 8″ L x 15″ H
  • The Deluxe Classic Dish Garden is approximately 10″ W x 10″ L x 17″ H
  • The Premium Classic Dish Garden is approximately 12″ W x 12″ L x 22″ H
  • Each size sold separately
Product # DG