Heartfelt Harmony Bouquet
A perfect balance of bold reds and deep purples, Heartfelt Harmony captures the beauty of connection in all its forms. The rich colors represent the strength, love, and support that come from those closest to your heart. Whether for a friend or partner, this bouquet conveys a message of love, appreciation, and harmony that will brighten anyone’s day.
- This arrangement is approximately 16″H x 14″W
Make it even more special:
A perfect balance of bold reds and deep purples, Heartfelt Harmony captures the beauty of connection in all its forms. The rich colors represent the strength, love, and support that come from those closest to your heart. Whether for a friend or partner, this bouquet conveys a message of love, appreciation, and harmony that will brighten anyone’s day.
- This arrangement is approximately 16″H x 14″W