Heart to Heart Bouquet


Playful, sweet, and full of charm, Heart to Heart is the perfect Valentine’s Day bouquet for someone who makes you smile! Nestled in a whimsical vase adorned with adorable heart faces, this cheerful arrangement bursts with bright pink and purple blooms, radiating love and happiness. Whether for a sweetheart, a best friend, or someone who simply makes your heart happy, this fun and flirty bouquet is sure to spread joy and laughter!

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 20″H x 14″W
Product # KF2507


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


Playful, sweet, and full of charm, Heart to Heart is the perfect Valentine’s Day bouquet for someone who makes you smile! Nestled in a whimsical vase adorned with adorable heart faces, this cheerful arrangement bursts with bright pink and purple blooms, radiating love and happiness. Whether for a sweetheart, a best friend, or someone who simply makes your heart happy, this fun and flirty bouquet is sure to spread joy and laughter!

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 20″H x 14″W
Product # KF2507