Gentle Breeze Bouquet


The Gentle Breeze Bouquet, is a captivating arrangement that brings the beauty of nature indoors. This exquisite bouquet features the striking elegance of spider gerbera daisies with their delicate petals fanning out in a mesmerizing display, paired perfectly with the charming bell-shaped blooms of Campanula.

Designed in a beautiful vase, this arrangement creates a serene and harmonious aesthetic, evoking the soft, refreshing feeling of a gentle breeze on a warm day. Ideal for any occasion, this bouquet is designed to add a touch of refined beauty and tranquility to your space, making it a perfect gift or a stunning centerpiece for your home.

  • This arrangement is approximately 14″H x 12″W
  • Includes upgraded vase
Product # KF2425


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


The Gentle Breeze Bouquet, is a captivating arrangement that brings the beauty of nature indoors. This exquisite bouquet features the striking elegance of spider gerbera daisies with their delicate petals fanning out in a mesmerizing display, paired perfectly with the charming bell-shaped blooms of Campanula.

Designed in a beautiful vase, this arrangement creates a serene and harmonious aesthetic, evoking the soft, refreshing feeling of a gentle breeze on a warm day. Ideal for any occasion, this bouquet is designed to add a touch of refined beauty and tranquility to your space, making it a perfect gift or a stunning centerpiece for your home.

  • This arrangement is approximately 14″H x 12″W
  • Includes upgraded vase
Product # KF2425