Christmas Lantern Bouquet
Embrace the essence of tradition and warmth with our “Christmas Lantern Bouquet.” This captivating arrangement is nestled within a wooden lantern, adorned with a charming cutout of a Christmas tree and complete with a rustic rope handle.
At the heart of this arrangement, premium white roses, delicate white stock, set against a fragrant bed of green pine, come together in a harmonious blend of elegance. Rustic pinecones add a touch of natural beauty, while the white sparkling ornaments infuse a sense of joy and festivity.
The “Christmas Lantern Bouquet” serves as a beacon of holiday cheer, perfect for adorning your gatherings or being presented as a meaningful gift. Let it illuminate your festivities with its charm and fragrance, evoking the magic and comfort of cherished traditions during this special time of year.
- This flower arrangement is approximately 24″H x 20″W
- Candle for the lantern is not included
Make it even more special:
Embrace the essence of tradition and warmth with our “Christmas Lantern Bouquet.” This captivating arrangement is nestled within a wooden lantern, adorned with a charming cutout of a Christmas tree and complete with a rustic rope handle.
At the heart of this arrangement, premium white roses, delicate white stock, set against a fragrant bed of green pine, come together in a harmonious blend of elegance. Rustic pinecones add a touch of natural beauty, while the white sparkling ornaments infuse a sense of joy and festivity.
The “Christmas Lantern Bouquet” serves as a beacon of holiday cheer, perfect for adorning your gatherings or being presented as a meaningful gift. Let it illuminate your festivities with its charm and fragrance, evoking the magic and comfort of cherished traditions during this special time of year.
- This flower arrangement is approximately 24″H x 20″W
- Candle for the lantern is not included