48 Premium Roses Arrangement


Your ultimate love deserves the ultimate gift – four dozen of the freshest ruby red long stem roses! There will be no doubt who the love of your life is when you send these glorious flowers arranged by Karin’s Florist in a striking vase that will impress all who see this floral fantasy displayed. Love deserves to be celebrated on a grand scale and nothing says I love you as much as 4 dozen roses! Container may vary. Choice of red (shown), white, pink, yellow, or multicolored roses.

Product # VROA48


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


Your ultimate love deserves the ultimate gift – four dozen of the freshest ruby red long stem roses! There will be no doubt who the love of your life is when you send these glorious flowers arranged by Karin’s Florist in a striking vase that will impress all who see this floral fantasy displayed. Love deserves to be celebrated on a grand scale and nothing says I love you as much as 4 dozen roses! Container may vary. Choice of red (shown), white, pink, yellow, or multicolored roses.

Product # VROA48