Mulan’s Pride Bouquet


Hua Mulan was a hero because of her courage. She was so brave that she could do something dangerous and difficult. … Everyone respected her for her courage and independence.

Inspired by Disney’s Mulan, our Mulan’s Pride Bouquet is designed with beautiful stock, iris, spider mums and baby hydrangea inside a coffee mug with a bamboo-shaped handle and an image of Mulan in her training outfit. Now this  is a bouquet worth fighting for! Be sure to ask for your free gift with purchase.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 16″H x 8″W
  • Hand wash recommended; not suitable for microwave
  • Materials: Ceramic

Send this amazing arrangement to your favorite hero!!

Product # KF2085


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


Hua Mulan was a hero because of her courage. She was so brave that she could do something dangerous and difficult. … Everyone respected her for her courage and independence.

Inspired by Disney’s Mulan, our Mulan’s Pride Bouquet is designed with beautiful stock, iris, spider mums and baby hydrangea inside a coffee mug with a bamboo-shaped handle and an image of Mulan in her training outfit. Now this  is a bouquet worth fighting for! Be sure to ask for your free gift with purchase.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 16″H x 8″W
  • Hand wash recommended; not suitable for microwave
  • Materials: Ceramic

Send this amazing arrangement to your favorite hero!!

Product # KF2085