Mickey’s Bouquet of Sunshine


Oh Boy! Let the cheerful spirit of Mickey Mouse brighten your day with our Mickey’s Bouquet of Sunshine. This delightful arrangement, thoughtfully designed inside an iconic Mickey Mouse mug, features premium yellow roses, sunny yellow gerbera daisies, vibrant red carnations, and pristine white stock, creating a burst of color and joy that captures the essence of Disney’s timeless magic.

The Mickey Mouse mug, with Mickey on the front and an ear-shaped handle, is a whimsical keepsake that adds a touch of Disney enchantment to every sip.

Whether you’re a Disney enthusiast or simply looking to brighten your day with a touch of magic, this bouquet is your ticket to a world where Mickey’s charm and joyful spirit infuse every petal with happiness and sunshine.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 18″ H x 9″ W
  • Material: Ceramic
  • Mug Holds 20 oz.
  • Officially licensed Disney product & design
Product # KF2361


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Mickey Mouse 19inch Plush
    Mickey Mouse 17″ Plush
  • Minnie Mouse 15" Plush
    Minnie Mouse Red Dress 17″ Plush
  • 17" Mickey Mouse Happy Birthday Balloon
    17″ Mickey Mouse Happy Birthday Balloon
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


Oh Boy! Let the cheerful spirit of Mickey Mouse brighten your day with our Mickey’s Bouquet of Sunshine. This delightful arrangement, thoughtfully designed inside an iconic Mickey Mouse mug, features premium yellow roses, sunny yellow gerbera daisies, vibrant red carnations, and pristine white stock, creating a burst of color and joy that captures the essence of Disney’s timeless magic.

The Mickey Mouse mug, with Mickey on the front and an ear-shaped handle, is a whimsical keepsake that adds a touch of Disney enchantment to every sip.

Whether you’re a Disney enthusiast or simply looking to brighten your day with a touch of magic, this bouquet is your ticket to a world where Mickey’s charm and joyful spirit infuse every petal with happiness and sunshine.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 18″ H x 9″ W
  • Material: Ceramic
  • Mug Holds 20 oz.
  • Officially licensed Disney product & design
Product # KF2361