Passion in Bloom Bouquet


Turn up the romance with Passion in Bloom, a dazzling Valentine’s Day arrangement bursting with vibrant color and love! Hot pink roses radiate passion, while lush purple stock adds depth and elegance. Designed in a stunning purple vase, this bold and beautiful bouquet is the perfect way to say, “You are my heart’s desire.” Bright, joyful, and full of energy, it’s a showstopping expression of love that won’t be forgotten.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 18″H x 18″W
Product # KF2506


Make it even more special:

  • Box of Premium Chocolates
  • Cuddly Plush Bear
  • Balloons
    Festive Balloons
  • Handwritten Greeting Card


Turn up the romance with Passion in Bloom, a dazzling Valentine’s Day arrangement bursting with vibrant color and love! Hot pink roses radiate passion, while lush purple stock adds depth and elegance. Designed in a stunning purple vase, this bold and beautiful bouquet is the perfect way to say, “You are my heart’s desire.” Bright, joyful, and full of energy, it’s a showstopping expression of love that won’t be forgotten.

  • This flower arrangement is approximately 18″H x 18″W
Product # KF2506