Majestic Blooms Bouquet
The Majestic Blooms Bouquet is a sophisticated and elegant arrangement designed to enchant with its soft, pastel hues. This exquisite bouquet, in an Italian crystal vase, features delicate Campanula, premium roses, lush Hydrangea, and airy Queen Anne’s Lace, each carefully selected for their gentle colors and timeless beauty.
The harmonious blend of pastel tones creates a serene and captivating display, perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any occasion.
- This arrangement is approximately 21″H x 25″W
Make it even more special:
The Majestic Blooms Bouquet is a sophisticated and elegant arrangement designed to enchant with its soft, pastel hues. This exquisite bouquet, in an Italian crystal vase, features delicate Campanula, premium roses, lush Hydrangea, and airy Queen Anne’s Lace, each carefully selected for their gentle colors and timeless beauty.
The harmonious blend of pastel tones creates a serene and captivating display, perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any occasion.
- This arrangement is approximately 21″H x 25″W