Rustic Love Vienna Bouquet

Roses are red, violets are blue, we are getting ready for Valentine’s Day…how about you?

Rustic Love Vienna BouquetThe count-down to February 14th begins yet again at Karin’s Florist and this year we are featuring an extra special bouquet option; the Rustic Love Vienna Bouquet!

This arrangement features all beautiful flowers you love with the joy of giving back to our local community. A portion of this bouquet’s proceeds will go to Rustic Love Vienna, a local organization who raises funds for Vienna VA Foodies/One Neighborhood Foundation, a group dedicated to supporting Vienna’s local restaurants, frontline workers and food-insecure families.

Each arrangement will come with a Rustic Love wired heart keepsake item and the comfort of knowing our community is being taken care of during this difficult time. If you’d like to make a donation to Rustic Love Vienna, you will have that option when you purchase the Rustic Love Vienna Bouquet or you can go to their website at